Olive oil vs. Corona

Grandma’s old home remedy is asking for your attention….

Olive oil vs. Corona

Grandma’s old home remedy is asking for your attention….

Dear employees of newspaper editorial offices, of hospitals or political committees,

I hacked the PCR-test with the help of public transport and some olive oil. I managed to be PCR positive at 5:00 pm on Wednesday (01/19/2022) and PCR negative at 11:00 am on Thursday (01/20/2022). To eliminate any doubt, I did another PCR test on Saturday (01/22/2022) – this one was also negative. So I was positive for about 12 hours (maybe) and never really contagious (CT value greater than 33). Various rapid tests (5 of them) accompanied the whole thing; these were also always negative.

I deliberately exposed myself to the risk of becoming PCR-positive in the Hamburg public transportations. Between the first (19.01.) and the second PCR test (20.01.) I gargled 4 times with olive oil (in the back of the throat). I trust (as I have for the past 2 years) the rich cream effect the olive oil has on the throat mucosa as well as supposedly on the virus. According to the thesis, if I gargle the oil, I can thus interrupt or weaken the path of infection, simply because the oil slimes the irritated pharyngeal mucosa. The antiviral agents in olive oil (polyphenols) probably also do their part in suppressing infection; especially when the oil is absorbed into the irritated pharyngeal mucosa over several hours.

I suspect with a few more experiments, the time frame between the positive and negative PCR test could be shortened to about 3 hours. I will test this out in my upcoming experiments.

I have posted the entire experiment online.

Now I am heading for a “Recovered” status without ever having been really sick. As it seems, the PCR-test result can be permanently influenced by the expert use of olive oil and the Hamburg public transportations.

This experiment of mine can of course also be tested in a hospital, if you find a doctor who would let sick Corona-infected patients gargle with oil and then measure their virus concentration over several hours. If you are interested in this idea, I am looking forward to your feedback.

With kind regards,

PS: Dieser Brief ist online zu finden (https://happy-corona.de/der-offnen-brief-an-sehr-viele-leute-die-etwas-aendern-koennten#politiker) und bisher folgenden Adressaten öffentlich zugestellt worden:

7.2.2022: (This letter can be found online)
Gregor Gysi (Linke), Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Olaf Scholz (SPD), Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), Christian Linder (FDP), Gesundheitsamt Hamburg, Morgenpost, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), correctiv.org (Faktencheck), helsana.ch, RKI, Sarah Wagenknecht (Linke), Andrew Ullmann (FDP, Gesundheitspolitik), Janosch Dahmen (Grüne, Gesundheitspolitik), Tino Sorge (CDU, Gesundheitspolitik), Achim Kessler (Linke, Gesundheitspolitik), Stephan Pilsinger (CSU, Gesundheitspolitik), Die Partei Hamburg, CCC, Winfried Stöcker, Martin Sonneborn (die Partei), Teamtodenhoefer, die Basis, Ethikrat, Markus Söder (Ministerpräsident Bayern CSU), Friedrich Merz (CDU)
Hamburg (Management of the Mayor’s Office, Executive Secretary Frau Hencke), Hotline Bürgerbüro,
8.2.2022: Winfried Kretschmann (Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Grüne), tagesanzeiger.ch, nzz.ch (Presse), Franziska Giffey (Regierende Bürgermeisterin Berlin , SPD) , heise.de (Presse), watson.de (Presse) , Bodo Ramelow (die Linke), Michael Schlick (die Linke) , srf.ch (Presse) , faz.net (Presse), Gilets Jaunes Internationale (YouTube), StreamPunks neue Welt (YouTube)
9.2.2022: feuerloescher-tv.com (Press), Annalena Baerbock, Ricarda Lang (Party leader of BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN), Omid Nouripour (Party leader of BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN), Robert Habeck, Fabio De Masi (Grüne)